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The design of our store should be one of the key strategies for the success of your retail business. As a retailer, your store design affects the behavior of your customers by driving business flow, product placement, and the overall atmosphere. The store layout also helps businesses understand how many sales they are making per square foot. In turn, this can help assess the strengths and weaknesses of your merchandising mix.

The longer the customer stays in the store, the more likely they are to pick up more products. Therefore, the average shopping cart value of the items your customers purchase increases with the time they spend in your store.

A successful store must keep the customer interested and eventually turn the window shopper into a real customer. In return, customers want the buying process to be smooth and satisfying. They prefer a pleasant shopping environment with wide aisles, merchandise can be found easily, and there are enough items.


Window displays are important in attracting street customers to your store. They can be the first point of attraction to attract customers to a store and help convey the image of the store to consumers and differentiate itself from its competitors. Store windows are the first point of contact to attract, engage and motivate customers to buy.


Retail space use is critical for retail stores. There are different floor plans depending on what you sell and the size of your floor space. A retail store's footprint has been shown to significantly affect a retailer's overall performance through its impact on information processing, purchase intentions, and attitudes toward the retailer. Several common store designs are used in conventional retail stores. These can include grid, freeform, racetrack, and serpentine layouts. In real life, however, the retail industry would combine these types of designs rather than just using one type for the entire retail environment. A good store layout also influences purchasing decisions. If there is not a good design, customers may not find the items they are looking for.


The structure of your corridors is also important. A well-designed aisle structure shouldn't start with the arrangement of the shelves and the categorization of products. But instead, you need to focus on the behavior and experiences of the customer that you are trying to achieve. corridors should be clear and fluent so customers don't have to wonder how to get from one place to another.


Another issue for retailers in store setup is optimizing merchandise distribution through shelf design. The position of a product in a store can have a decisive impact on sales. The shelf may be the most valuable property in retail, where up to 80% of all purchasing decisions are made at the point of sale.


The amount of inventory to display in your store depends on the size of your store, the image you want to project, and the type of experience you want to create. Having more products on the sales floor can increase sales. Especially if you are a discount distributor and want to make the most of your sales space. On the contrary, too much product on the sales floor can also lead to a decrease in brand awareness. Especially if you are trying to position yourself as a high-end retailer. Too many products can also overwhelm customers.


Lighting for any retail environment has the potential to dramatically affect sales. Lighting can increase ground traffic, create visual interest, and guide people through the store or go deeper. This includes areas of a specific product that you want to promote. With the right lighting for your store, you can increase the ambient light to create a comfortable environment. This allows the customer to evaluate the merchandise more easily.


Cash registers are a suitable place to make specific impulse purchases. Price is one of the most important factors in choosing the right pulse display products. Especially for impulse payment and point-of-purchase purchases, it's best to keep the price below or around $ 20. This helps you increase purchase value with products that customers want to buy without much thought. The display of the products on sale also brings with it the urgency of a limited-time campaign as a motivation for impulse purchases.

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